Sunday, September 27, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mishka wants to climb trees

Mishka chce uz zacat lozit po stromoch.

Nanna's swings were a hit

Nanna mala super hojdacky.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kids at playground

We took advantage of a short break in the rain and went to the playground.

Vyuzili sme prestavku v dazdi a isli sme na ihrisko.

Mishka's snacks

Mishka can get into the fridge now, and she picks the oddest snacks. This time, it was plain white rice.

Miska si vie otvorit chladnicku a vybera si odveci olovrant. Tento krat to bola ryza bez akejkolvek prichute.

Mishka on playground

Here are couple more pictures of Mishka on playground

Monday, September 21, 2009

Katka is eating solid food now

Katka got so exited about the baby cereal that I couldn't take the bowl away from her.

Katka sa tak potesila kasicke, ze so jej nevedela misku vytrhnut.